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My name is Milton E. Oliver BA , MA, C.S.C.S. and, I have been physically developing athletes and the general population for over 17 years. I graduated from Saginaw Valley State with a bachelor of science in kinesiology and in 2017, earned a degree from Wayne State In sports administration. After earning my bachelor’s degree, I took a job physically developing collegiate and professional athletes at a privately-owned training facility outside of Detroit.

As a longtime strength conditioning professional, I have developed a personal philosophy that has helped to shape my life and current career.  I have always participated in sports from youth football to high school. As I grew, I continued to play sports like football and track and field, until high school graduation. So, from an early age, I loved competition. “Do what you are supposed to do, when it is supposed to done and how it is supposed to be done” is the phrase that shapes my decisions personally and professionally. And is my personal philosophy and professional way of doing things. The Oxford dictionary defines “philosophy as a theory or attitude held by a person or organization that acts as a guiding principle for behavior.” My philosophy dictates my attitude, what I value and shapes how I deal with situations daily.

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